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What you get

Here you can download a pack of different Studio One 2 project templates that use Toontrack EZDrummer and Steven Slate Drums 4 configured to output to multiple channels. Some projects are suited well for recording real guitar amps and hardware amp modelers, others include Line 6 POD Farm 2 free, Waves GTR and Overloud TH2 and Mark Studio 2 plug-ins.

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How to use it

Download, unzip and move to your Studio One 2 project templates directory (Documents > Studio One > templates > v2).

If all required plug-ins are already installed but there's still a problem, make sure that Studio One knows where they are. In Studio One choose Studio One > Options... > Locations > VST Plug-Ins > VST > Add... to add plug-in locations. Make sure that "Scan at startup" is ticked and restart Studio One..


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